Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Taking the Uncommon Road

I haven't blogged in awhile. For a long time I used to write one each day or more often than that, but what I realized eventually was that my blogging became a substitute for actually talking to another person. I would write what I was thinking or going through in such an online forum rather than say it outloud. And while there are times where such an approach is appropriate, I was abusing that priviledge, so I took a break from the online substitute for relationships and chose to force myself to be real with friends in person and not in print.

The purpose of this blog is not to vent about life or discuss private thoughts and situations of my life, but to hold me accountable for my resolution to renew a dwindling pursuit of God. It has come to my attention that my walk with God is slowly dying off as the result of numerous choices and what-have-you. If you want to know more about those - feel free to talk with me directly.

Here is how I propose to renew this walk and progress into a constantly growing relationship with the Creator of the universe. Make a honest attempt to begin each day in prayer - and not just for the blasted alarm to stop interrupting my sleep. Spend at least 30 minutes a day doing something that will challenge my faith (reading the bible, an inspirational book, or an attack on Christianity, or having a faith based discussion). Finally, journal these activities at least weekly... posting neat things that I have learned, realized, or struggled with.

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